Pension Board and Committee – Work Programme


Future Pension Board Agenda




Standing items (items that appear on each agenda)

Pension Board Updates

Verbal updates on training events or conferences attended by Members of the Board


Pension Committee Agenda

A consideration of the draft agenda of the Pension Committee.

Head of Pensions

Governance and Employer Engagement

A report on governance issues effecting the fund, developments in the LGPS and Employer Engagement items of note

Head of Pensions

Pensions Administration

An update on the performance of the Pensions Administration Team.

Head of Pensions Administration

Internal Audit

All internal audit reports on the ESPF are reported to the Board

Head of Internal Audit

East Sussex Pension Fund (ESPF) Quarterly budget report

An update on the ESPF’s budget.

Head of Pensions

East Sussex Pension Fund (ESPF) Risk Register

A report on the ESPF’s Risk Register

Head of Pensions

Work programme

A report on the Board and Committee’s work programme

Head of Pensions

East Sussex Pension Fund (ESPF) Breaches Log

A report on the ESPF breaches log

Head of Pensions

Employer Admissions and Cessations

A report on the admission and cessation of employers to the ESPF.

Head of Pensions

15 February 2021

Employer Contributions Report

Report on Employer Contributions including timing of payments and actions for occurrence of late payment – to move to standing item from this meeting

Head of Pensions

Covenant Review Report

Report from PWC on the covenant review project

Head of Pensions

Business Plan and Budget 2021/22

Report to set the Budget for the Pension Fund for the Financial Year 2021/22 including the Business Plan with key deliverables for the year.

Head of Pensions

1 June 2021

Administration KPI best practice

Report on how the ESPF KPIs for pension administration compare with those of other local government pension schemes.


Head of Pensions Administration

Internal Audit Strategy and Plan

Draft internal audit Pension Fund Strategy and Audit Plan 2021/22

Internal Audit

14 September 2021

Employer Newsletter

Review and consideration of content and design for annual newsletter to Employers

Head of Pensions

5 November 2021

Employer Forum Agenda

Discussion on Pension Fund Employer Forum Agenda topics

Head of Pensions

Annual Training Plan

Report on Training completed in the year and training recommendations for the up-coming year

Head of Pensions

10 February 2022






Actions requested by the Pension Board

Subject Area



Internal Audit reports

Revised Internal Audit Strategy and timetable circulated to the Board and Committee.

Circulated by email 2 October 2020

Internal Audit reports

The Board requested that internal audit consider an audit of the common data sets provided to the Pensions Regulator


Employer contributions

The Board requested a list of employers that were making late payments

To be considered at 15 February 2021 meeting

Scheme administration

The Board requested a report on potential recommendations from the Scheme Advisory Board (SAB) that the Scheme Manager role is removed from local authority control.

Ongoing discussions

Scheme administration

The Board requested confirmation by email the reason why the KPI: Employer estimates provided was only 49% during July 2020

To be provided by Pensions Administration Manager

Scheme administration

The Board requested a future report on how the ESPF KPIs for pension administration compare with those of other local government pension schemes.

To be reviewed as part of service level agreement

Decision making

To revise the decision-making matrix (including a RACI model) and to circulate it for information.

To be provided by Head of Pensions




Future Pension Committee Agenda




Standing items (items that appear on each agenda)

Investment Report

A Quarterly performance report of the investment managers

Head of Pensions and Investment Consultant

Governance and Employer Engagement Report

A report on governance issues effecting the fund, developments in the LGPS and Employer Engagement items of note

Head of Pensions

Pensions Administration report

An update on the performance of the Pensions Administration Team.

Head of Pensions Administration

Internal Audit reports

All internal audit reports on the ESPF are reported to the Board

Head of Internal Audit

East Sussex Pension Fund (ESPF) Quarterly budget report

An update on the ESPF’s budget.

Head of Pensions

East Sussex Pension Fund (ESPF) Risk Register

A report on the ESPF’s Risk Register

Head of Pensions

Work programme

A report on the Board and Committee’s work programme

Head of Pensions

East Sussex Pension Fund (ESPF) Breaches Log

A report on the ESPF breaches log

Head of Pensions

Employer Admissions and Cessations

A report on the admission and cessation of employers to the ESPF.

Head of Pensions

1 March 2021

PRI presentation to Committee

A presentation from the UN PRI in relation to the Pension Fund membership of this body.


Covenant Review Report

Report from PWC on the covenant review project

Head of Pensions

Business Plan and Budget 2021/22

Report to set the Budget for the Pension Fund for the Financial Year 2021/22 including the Business Plan with key deliverables for the year.

Head of Pensions

External Audit Plan for the ES Pension Fund 2020/21

Draft External Audit Plan for 2021/22 Pension Fund Financial Statements

Head of Pensions

15 June 2021

Internal Audit Strategy and Plan

Draft internal audit Pension Fund Strategy and Audit Plan 2021/22

Internal Audit

Investment Strategy Statement review

Report reviewing Investment Strategy Statement

Head of Pensions

12 July 2021

Independent Auditors Report on the Pension Fund Account and Annual Report and Accounts 2020/21

A report on the External Audit findings of the Pension Fund financial Statements and the complete 2020/21 Annual Report and Accounts for review.

Head of Pensions

28 September 2021

Contracts and Tenders

Appointment of Independent Advisor

Head of Pensions

25 November 2021

Annual Training Plan

Report on Training completed in the year and training recommendations for the up-coming year

Head of Pensions

24 February 2022






Actions requested by the Committee

Subject Area


Date completed





Current working groups

Title of working group

Detail and meetings since last Pensions Board and Committee meetings


Investment and ESG Working Group

The Investment Working Group and ESG working group has been amalgamated as agreed at Pensions Committee 21 September 2020.

The group meet in ensure investment strategy changes are implemented and areas for strategy focus are processed in between Committee meeting when decisions will be made based on research and recommendations from the group.

Recent meetings

·         30 September

·         TBC w/c 2 November

Cllr Fox, William Bourne, Russell Wood, Sian Kunert, Representative from Investment Consultant

Data Improvement and ABS Working Group

Recent meetings

·         17 September

·         Briefing note send out on status of outstanding work areas 23 October

·         TBC w/c 23 November

Cllr Fox, Ray Martin, Diana Pogson, Stephen Osborne, Paul Punter, Sian Kunert, Ian Gutsell

McCloud Working Group

The McCloud Working Group has been established to oversee the implementation of the McCloud ruling within a prescribed timeframe and addressing any gaps and barriers preventing progress and ultimately delivery of the project.

Terms of Reference are being drafted by Hymans.

A high-level impact assessment has been completed to identify those members of the scheme that will be affected by this ruling.

The first meeting of The McCloud Working Group will take place in late November 2020

Cllr Fox, Stephen Osborn, Lynda Walker, Paul Punter, Sian Kunert, Dave Kellond




Training and Development

Title of Training/Briefing


Proposed Date